Say a Rainbow

Projector, mirror, digital print, earphone, speaker microphone device


Treasure Hill Artist Village

Rainbow is a physical phenomenon formed by the interaction between water vapor and sunlight in nature. It is also a symbolic sign that encourages free expression and eliminates discrimination in modern times. The work uses sound as the medium. Everyone has different sound characteristics and frequency distributions, highlighting their own personalities and differences between each other. By collecting the sound data of different people and analyzing it into a picture composed of different colors, it is like a rainbow. Ordinary bright images are metaphors for a collective social state composed of diverse populations, backgrounds, and ethnic groups.

The work "Speaking a Rainbow" created for the Treasure Rock Lantern Festival is based on the telling stories narrated by the residents of Treasure Rock. It analyzes the various colors and frequencies in the residents' tone using programs to form the first background color of the rainbow image. During the exhibition, visiting audiences are continuously invited to interact with the installation, allowing the work to incorporate the voices of people from all corners of the city, forming a more colorful rainbow image, and at the same time promoting more diversified symbolic meaning of the work, and discussion in a way of participation How can the inclusiveness of Treasure Rock accumulate, evolve, and depend on the old and the new?

In addition, it also produced "sound facial makeup" for the residents of Baozangyan, using the stories told by the residents as sound samples, analyzing and producing individual color portraits, transforming the residents' life experience during this period into a commemorative existence.







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