Hide and See

Title: Hide and See

Materials: Interactive sound installation, electronic parts, circuit boards, sensors, metals, plastics

Size: 32x320x35cm

Years: 2024





Exhibition Record:

* Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2024


*This work was created in collaboration with architect Hsiao Yu-Chih and is set in a cabin built by the architect.

"I still remember the days of my childhood, chasing and playing with my neighborhood friends in the odd patches of land and overgrown vacant lots near our homes. These spaces were filled with soft mounds of earth, where we would sometimes catch glimpses of tiny holes, the hidden burrows crafted by crickets. We would squat down, carefully observing these openings, imagining the mysterious little worlds within, trying to catch a glimpse of these small creatures.

The name 'Hide and Seek' is inspired by the English nursery rhyme 'Hide and See,' not only echoing the joy of children's games but also symbolizing the pure, curious secret garden in everyone's heart. In this forest cabin, we aim to recreate the exploratory fun of childhood.

Inside the cabin, cylindrical 'secret burrows' are installed. When you gently open them, you'll hear a variety of unexpected creature sounds. These sounds, modulated by the artist, are the calls of unknown beings, taking you on a journey through time back to those curiosity-filled childhood days. By seeking out these hidden sounds, you'll discover that each burrow conceals a unique little world."



「躲貓貓」這個名稱引用英語的童謠"Hide and See",不僅呼應了孩童遊戲的樂趣,更象徵著每個人心中那片純真、好奇的祕密花園。在這座森林小屋裡,我們將重現兒時的探索樂趣。



▦ 展覽日期︱2024.11.23 - 2026.03.01

▦ 展覽地點︱高雄兒童美術館202展覽室(高雄市鼓山區馬卡道路330號)

▦ 策展人︱教育暨公共服務部 洪金禪

▦ 參展建築師︱侯林建築師事務所、草原市務所+中村至男、蕭有志

▦ 參展藝術家︱平安、吳修銘、吳秋敏、林芸巧、草棉谷、林家棟、洪添賢、黃馨瑩、鄭宜芳、鄭元欽、蘇子涵、黑碼藝識

▦ 參展學校︱正修科技大學建築與室內設計系(黃韻珊+邱信邦、郭慧晶、張成毅、劉鑫煒)、中山國小四年四班全體同學(學校老師 王錦娥+劉芳婷、作品指導 洪添賢、影片拍攝 陳信燁)

▦ 指導單位︱文化部、高雄市政府文化局

▦ 主辦單位︱高雄市立美術館

▦ 塗料贊助︱德國凱恩礦物塗料

▦ 指定木作除醛︱聚和生醫

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