Cultivated Reality


材質:VR 影片、數位輸出、螢幕或頭戴裝置

Material: VR video, digital print, head-mounted device

Size: 78 x 62 cm/each, x 10 piece, 54 x 43 cm/each, x 4 piece 

Video length: 06:40

Year: 2021-2022

Exhibition Record:

2021 Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition, Multi-media category, Short-List

2021 Athens Digital Arts Festival – TĀCTUS, online, Athens

2022 Made in Taiwan New Talent Award, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan

The piece inverting the image concept of VR. The artist captures the images of the news media, reverses the technology of operating the images, greatly reduces and destroys the image pixels to forms distorted image frames, and repeatedly stacks the frames and redraws the outline of the image to create an illusory and beautiful picture. With a sarcastic attitude that artist brings real concepts from the technological realm to the social realm. He try to explore the reality created by today's social media from gorgeous but illusory images, and ask a question: Is it possible that the glory of the world is created by reducing authenticity?



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