The Birds that Leave the Nest





Title:  The Birds that Leave the Nest

Materials: Electronic parts, sensors, acrylic, wood chips 

Size: 150x150x30cm

Years: 2023

Exhibition Record:

* Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2023

* Museum of Architecture and Design, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2024


This is an interactive sound sculpture composed of electronic parts, sensors and wood chips. It allows the audience to touch and find where the birds are hiding. The artist stacked the materials into a circle, simulate the physical form of a bird's nest, and installed sensors inside to detect the light at the scene. The parameters of the light were set to change the sound of birds. With what appears to be a bird's nest- like shape, viewers can hear the chirping of birds but cannot see any birds. When the audience reaches inside the device to look for birds, due to the light sensor design, an excessively large light source is detected, and the birds become afraid to make sounds.

Birds use the sound of chirping to find companions. This work uses sound sensing and interactive design to invite the audience to imagine that they are a bird, trying to find companions in the nest. However, when you get too close, The chirping sound disappeared into thin air.

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